Savage: The Finale - Book cover

Savage: The Finale

Kristen Mullings

Mein Kätzchen


I didn't want to alarm Roman, but I also didn't want to keep secrets from him. We'd come too far in our relationship to start keeping things from each other again.

However, I wanted nothing to interfere with Kingsleys' visit, so I decided it could wait until after he left before telling Roman.

Now that day had come, I was terrified of his reaction and even more scared that there might be a valid threat behind the note.

I'd hidden the envelope in my underwear drawer, intending to show Roman after returning from the airport.

I gulped and opened the drawer, looking at the words once again, "I'm watching you, kleines Kätzchen."

Chills ran down my spine as I shoved the letter back in the drawer and went down the hall to fetch Kingsley.

"You ready, kiddo?" I cooed as I knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Kingsley shouted.

"I'll meet you at the front door," I called out and went to the closet for a jacket.

"Sage, you'll never believe this," Kingsley came running down the hall, phone in hand, with a wide grin.

"Rosa emailed me!" Kingsley pointed to his phone.


"She doesn't want me to shoot the spread here," he gulped, and my stomach lurched.

"Tell me she hasn't changed her mind!" I gasped. That bitch! How could she?

"No, not at all," Kingsley laughed, handing me the phone.

Kingsley, Darling,

I am so excited to work with you, and I've just had a thought. What if we come to you instead? I'll send a team, funds, whatever your heart desires, so long as we can stay true to your Jamaican way of life.

I want to capture your world, what inspired these beautiful sculptures. I want to see the whole of you.

What do you think?

Let me know.


Thank god. I sighed deeply and handed the phone back to Kingsley.

I can't believe I'd judged Rosa so harshly. I should have known better.

"Did you email her back?" I grabbed my purse from the table and opened the door.

"I'm doing it now," he gushed, flicking his fingers across the screen.

"Excellent, that's fantastic news," I patted his back, and we walked to the car.

Kingsley looked thoughtfully at the scenery as we drove, not as excited as his first day in Chicago, but still with adoring eyes.

He seems changed by the city somehow, by the appreciation and praise from someone like Rosa.

It's as if his confidence was slowly starting to build.

Kingsley chatted animatedly about how excited he was to work with Abstract and how grateful he was to Rosa for giving him a chance.

"And I can't thank you enough, Sage," he placed his hand on my shoulder as we entered the airport drop-off, "none of this would have happened without you. You're changing my life."

I choked back tears and plastered a smile on my face, "and you're changing mine."

"How?" He raised a curious brow.

"By allowing me in your life and being my brother," I shrugged and exited the car.

Before I could get to the back seat to grab his bags, Kingsley wrapped me in a crushing hug, "I love you, sis."

"Love you, too, little brother," I croaked in his ear as we said our goodbyes.

As I watched him walk away from me, I couldn't help but be thrilled for him. Though the threatening note still loomed in the back of my mind, I gulped as I got back in the car.

"Ok, time to have that talk," I murmured as I drove back home to meet Roman.



"Kleines Kätzchen? Little kitten?" I growled as I clutched the paper.

Sage trembled as she sat on the bed but didn't say a word.

Everything about this screamed Ekko, but he was in prison; it couldn't be him; he couldn't get to us.

"Someone out there is attempting to use my words to threaten my wife!" I snarled as I tossed the note on the bed and flopped down beside Sage.

"I thought the same thing when I saw it, though I knew you'd never do such a thing to me," she murmured, rubbing my arm.

"Ok, so we need to increase security, find a new penthouse, and you're getting a bodyguard," I snapped, turning to her, seething with rage at whoever was behind this.

"A bodyguard?" she cried, "are you out of your fucking mind, Roman?" She lept from the bed, but I caught her arm before she could storm off.

"You got a little fire in you, huh?" I hissed as I yanked her toward me.

"Perhaps you should be punished for your outburst?"

"I'm not in the mood, Roman." She rolled her eyes and I kissed her throat.

"Lies," I groaned as I bit her throat playfully, "you're always in the mood."

Sage moaned out in delight as she wrapped her arms around me.

"You just like getting me all angsty before we fuck," she croaked, digging her nails into my flesh.

"Aghh," I gasped with pleasure as she pushed me onto the bed.

"Yes, that's it, take all that anger out on me," I howled as she straddled me.

Sage fumbled wildly with my belt and zipper as she yanked them down to my knees.

It didn't take much; I was already hard when she raised her voice to me.

I raised my hands to cup her breasts, but she forced my hands above my head, pinning me to the bed.

"Uh-uh, no touching," she whimpered as she let go.

"Yes, ma'am," I grunted as she tore off her shirt and pulled her skirt over her hips.

Before I could say another word, she slid my shaft inside her and rode me like I was a steed.

Her nails dug scarlet trails across my chest.

"Yes, Sage! I'm cummin!" I arched my back as she brought me to climax.

Sage rolled off me and lay on the bed, panting and sweating, "I hate that those words evoke fear now."

She wrapped an arm around my chest and snuggled against me.

"I know; I'm so sorry. But they only have power over us if we let them." I kissed her forehead, and she looked up at me.

"What are we going to do?" she asked worriedly.

"Whatever we have to," I grumbled, noticing the concern on her face.

"Hey, listen," I lifted her chin, bringing us eye to eye, "look at me."

Sage's beautiful eyes bored into mine, and I felt overcome with love and affection.

"Don't fear, mein k~ätzchen~," I licked my lips and continued, "all the bad guys are gone; someone is just trying to rile us up."

Sage nodded and closed her eyes, resting her face on my chest.

My words still hung in the air as I closed my eyes, but I didn't know if I believed them.

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