The Prophecy Series: The Black Wolf - Book cover

The Prophecy Series: The Black Wolf

H. Knight

Chapter 3



Jaxon parked outside of the old red barn, about a ten-minute walk from the pack house. I followed him out of the car.

My heart was beating unevenly. There was something different about him…about this moment.

“Here,” he said, stopping to help me take off my heels.

He bent down and grabbed my left foot to slide the heel off, and then my right. He walked back toward the truck and set them inside the car along with his suit jacket. He quickly walked back toward me and grabbed my hand, leading me down to the lake.

“Sit down,” he said as he began taking off his clothes.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I asked, looking at him in bewilderment.

“I’m going to shift, relax,” he said with a chuckle.

Goddess, that was hot. I had never heard him laugh or chuckle before. It was then that I knew that tonight would be a night of firsts for both of us.

I watched greedily as he undressed. He didn’t seem to mind…I think he enjoyed it. I was disappointed when he left his boxers on as he shifted into his large black wolf. His wolf walked around me before sitting down next to me and putting his head in my lap.

I had never seen his wolf like this. Anytime I had seen him, it was in sparring sessions with Braxton or other warriors, or it was during a pack run. This was different.

I couldn’t help the smile that made its way to my face.

Slowly, I moved my hand and played with his ears. He purred softly, which encouraged me to continue petting him. His fur was soft and so dark it looked blue. He pushed me to lay back, and I let out a laugh as his tongue lapped over my neck and chest before he curled up next to me, careful that his claws didn’t hurt me. I curled into his arms and sighed in content.

We laid like that for a while, nuzzled together. I barely noticed when he shifted back into human form. His body laid naked right next to me. I looked into his pale blue eyes, and he looked into mine, and his lips descended onto mine a moment later. I was caught off guard at first but quickly kissed him back.

It wasn’t my first kiss, but in that moment, I wished that it had been.

Our lips moved greedily and feverishly against one another, and before I knew it, his tongue was in my mouth. We spent the next couple of minutes exploring each other’s mouths, and I couldn’t suppress the moans that escaped my grasp. But I wasn’t alone.

His moans were fierce and hot. I wanted to hear more of them…forever.

Our bodies molded together as his hands traveled up and down my waist before landing on my breasts. I wanted to be just as naked as he was.

I pulled away. “Unzip me,” I said before wrapping my arms around his shoulders to pull him closer toward me. He rolled us over on our sides and quickly unzipped my dress before pulling away and completely removing it from my body.

His lips found mine again, and I was quick to plunge my tongue back into his mouth. I needed to taste him, to be close to him, I needed him inside me. He picked me up a second later and walked toward the barn without breaking our kiss. I opened my eyes and locked eyes with him as our tongues battled for dominance. He won, of course.

I felt my back hit the ground, and his hand traveled down my back to grab my ass. He ripped my panties off a moment later, and I latched my legs around his waist to pull him closer.

“Please,” I begged when I felt him pull away.

“Addie, are you sure?” he asked, laying his forehead against mine.

“Yes,” I said with a nod.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down toward me, as close as I could get him, and quickly kissed him again. I needed him…all of him.

His hands rubbed down my sides and in between my legs before stopping right over my slit. Our lips still pressed against the others. Our tongues fought with each other. His hands distracted me, and I let out a breathy moan and used my hand to tug on his hair as his finger entered me. He moved in slow motions with our foreheads against each other’s.

In and out. In and out. It was almost overwhelming. Soon another finger entered me. He pumped both in and out at a steady pace. My breath caught as the pressure in my stomach started to release, and my legs began to shake. My nails dug into his shoulders as I held him against me. Before I knew what was happening, his finger pulled away, and I felt his large cock rub up and down my slit.

“This is going to hurt,” he said softly. “If you want me to stop, just say the word, and I will. I promise,” he said, and I knew that he meant it.

But I didn’t want him to stop. I never wanted him to stop. I wanted him.

All of him. Always.

“Please,” I said, nodding my head, encouraging him to continue.

Slowly, he entered me. It was painful. I hissed in a breath, and he paused for a moment.

“Look at me,” he whispered, and I opened my eyes to look into his. “It’s okay,” he said softly.

I nodded and encouraged him to continue. He slowly pushed himself all the way to the hilt. I kept my eyes locked on him the whole time. After a few moments of stillness, he rocked himself back and forth. Slowly, he pulled out before pushing back in. It wasn’t as painful anymore.

I dug my fingernails into his back as he continued his movements. He sped up a little with each thrust until he was thrusting against me with fever.

“Yes, yes,” I moaned before biting down on my bottom lip.

“Fuck,” he rasped as he kept thrusting.

“Oh Goddess,” I moaned, throwing my head back.

The pressure began to build in my lower stomach and quickly unraveled. I let out another moan and felt my body start to shake under him.

His head dove into my neck as he pulled out, and warmth landed on my stomach.

“Fuck,” he moaned, rolling off me.

We laid there for a few moments, catching our breaths. I slowly rolled over and laid my head on his shoulder, my body needing his warmth. He was quick to wrap his arms around me, and soon I drifted to sleep.

I rolled over the next morning, expecting to find myself in my bed, but I wasn’t. I was laying in the middle of the red barn, naked on top of the hay. Memories of the night before came rushing back, and I slowly stood to my feet.

I felt sore, which was another reminder that last night was real and not a dream.

“Jaxon?” I called out, looking around the barn.

He was gone.

My heels sat with my dress and panties by the door. I looked outside and saw that his truck was gone. Had he really left me here alone?

I put the dress, panties, though they were ripped, and heels on before walking out of the barn. He was gone. He left me alone, naked in a barn.

Had last night not meant anything to him? Was it not as good for him as it was for me? His dried cum on my stomach was evidence enough that he had enjoyed himself, but maybe that wasn’t enough. Maybe I wasn’t enough.

I took off my heels and walked through the woods toward my uncle’s house. I was afraid for him to see me like this, but right now, I was too hurt by Jaxon’s actions to even think about that. It took about ten minutes before I arrived in the backyard of Uncle Braxton’s home.

Thankfully, he wasn’t home. I went up to my room and undressed before climbing in the shower. Last night, Jaxon had taken my virginity. An action that should have held some value seemed to be nothing but a late-night booty call for him.

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