Alpha King's Siren Daughter - Book cover

Alpha King's Siren Daughter

Breeanna Belcher

Chapter 2


Last night, after the whole ordeal, I managed to get to my room and shower before climbing into bed. I stripped out of the clothes I wore to the college party and dropped them into the laundry.

I was exhausted from the drinking and then having to deal with Zee. I should have been able to drift off without a problem, but I still couldn't sleep at all last night.

I was tossing and turning until the daylight broke through the curtains of my room. I was reminded that I needed to get up and start off my day.

All I could think of all night was Zee’s words and how I could get him back… that was until I remembered how he looked and the way he smelled. It could have just been the alcohol messing with my thoughts, but I’m a wolf. I surely didn’t drink enough for that.

Once I started to get up, I went back to thinking of how much of an ass he was. How he spoke to me and how he overstepped in his soon-to-be Beta role! I just can't shake the words he said about me.

It's nothing I haven't heard from every other person in my pack, specifically him, my entire life. It just rubbed me the wrong way last night, differently than it ever has before.

I don't know.

It’s just… Why did the room feel like that with us in it?

He was probably waiting for me, wasn't he?

He was probably pretending he was studying just to bother me even more.

Trying to show me what he thinks I should be doing instead, I'm sure.

Maybe he should get out and get laid for once and then he wouldn’t be up my ass so much.

How dare he get that close to me anyway, saying what he did?!

How dare he push me up against that door with his dumb self-righteous ego!

Fuming again, I scrub my skin and let the heat of the water scour my pale skin a lovely shade of red. I like the sting of the water and the way it lets pin-sized spots appear where the water hits, only to disappear, in the next second from my healing.

My wolf is stirring and starting to pace in the back of my mind, she isn't happy with what I'm doing right now.

She wants out, and to run free like last night. We're both itching for the training course today.

It’s one of the few ways we can show off our many skills and talents and get out our anger.

Getting out of the shower, I make quick work of dressing in my dark blue training gear and grabbing a water bottle before heading to the training center at the bottom of the footpath.

Beta, Zade Sr, has the new warriors in the beginning stages of combat training already by the time I arrive.

Other wolves and drowning members of our pack lined the left side of the field getting suited with equipment meant to test them and hone skills they have to learn.

Each of them needs to build muscle and bulk up while growing their fighting skills in skin form as well as their inner creatures. Yes, some have their wolves, and others have their Sirens and Triton powers, but we cannot always rely on that.

It's not just looking the part. We don't need any more meatheads on the field.

We need real members ready to take an enemy down whenever the cause arises.

In a circle made ring, I see Zee beside his dad going on some long-winded speech.

Trying to make a good expression for dear old Dad. Acting like he is a Goddess-given order bringer.

His stupid face just pisses me off! I can't even stand the sight of him anymore! Ugh!

“We train today, every day, to protect our people. To protect those whom we love. Our entire way of life is soaked in this one goal we all share as one. We work together. We're a pack. Together we stand,” Zee says, ending his speech.

I see the way he glared at me at the end with a look, saying he expected me here sooner.

Disappointment and judgment glare in his eyes. I glare back, I hope he sees exactly how I feel.

Yeah! I hate you too! Stupid. Dumb. Fucking face!

If only our linking would work, I’d scream it at him on repeat. Since birth, for some reason links between him and I have never gone through, we can link other pack members, but not each other.

He stares at me with determination… I know he is about to start something.

“Princess Lilly has graced us with her presence everyone. Good thing she's managed to make it here.” He pauses, “Even if it is at the end of the training courses. When the day is almost over.”

Zee snipped, directing his words at me, making the crowd of pack warriors all turn to look as I approached him.

I roll my eyes with a snide grin. If he wants to play it like this… Bring it on.

Walking into the center of the ring, I give Zee a vicious smile, showing off the whites of my teeth.

‘Yeah? See these canines? I'm going to take a chunk out of you with them!

Fucking asshole!’ I think.

“Hi'a you guys, I am right on time to get the best of the best. One on one anyone? Me against... Who wants it?!” I boast.

I toss both of my hands up and get a big cheer from the crowd. They know how good I am, even if I don’t always come to training.

My wolf and I can smell the fear they have over fighting me in hand-to-hand combat.

Most wolves are better at fighting in their fur, but me... I am just as good in my skin as my fur.

They all want the challenge. It’s in our nature to be victorious in all matters.

We all want to be the bigger winner in the end.

I have worked harder than anyone here to be what my pack needs. I may not want the Alpha role, but when I ultimately take it, I will make sure nobody dares to challenge my authority.

No one can take me down.

No matter how badly they want it. I want it more. I'm proud of each of my achievements. Add the powers of my siren into the mix, it’s almost impossible.

“Zee, tag in with Lilly. Each one of you takes on a warrior, winners only. Got that you two?”

Beta Zade Sr. gave out instructions and the winners of the previous rounds stood up to get in line.

Of course, he would pair us up. Beta Zade is basically my uncle. He always tries to push me and Zee into being more friendly to one another.

Tossing my water on the ground and the top hanging over my black sports bra, I make sure to not move out of the way when Zee tries to come my way to cross the field.

He doesn't move either and we end up hitting shoulders, knocking into one another, both of us growling at one another before going our separate ways and into our own fights.

My first fighter steps up.

I see the sticky lump stuck in his throat.

My wolf and I can smell his uncertainty.

His brown eyes have a gloss to them, trying to hide the worry behind them.

He moves his hair back, his hand left finger marks where he brushed through it.

I know Jarico is good, he is one of the best we have. But he isn’t walking out of this fight.

He is tall in stature and has a muscular build to him in his upper body.

His shoulders are wide and I swear his hands are like a catcher's mitt. I can't let him get a hold of me with them. That’s his secret weapon, his grip.

“Let's go little pup,” I taunt him, hoping he falls for it and goes at my chest.

It's easy to see his moves coming in before he makes them. His eyes deceive his movements, showing me everything I need to evade.

He goes for a wide air-filled grab and it lets me hit the mat and slide through his legs.

Spinning into a hold, I drop him into a leg lock and send him into a tap-out in an instant.

Come on! Let's go! I'm made for this! I pump myself up.

I go after the next, using his temper against him. It was easy to tire the next one out before ending that one in a knockout.

The next four get taken out as easily as switching off a light switch.

When the fifth warrior makes it into another tap-out session by yours truly, I take it as my chance to get a sip from my green water bottle.

Popping the white and yellow lid to take a gulp and use my tank top to wipe some of this sweat from my face, arms, hands, and back.

My back turned to my next incoming warrior. I take a knee to fix my shoe and adjust my sports bra when I hear it in a whisper behind me.

Another pack member whispers it before I even truly picked up on it.

“Did you hear?”

“No, what's going on man?”

“My dad, he worked the border last night and he said he smelled the Demons.”

As fucking if. More dumb, fake damn rumors. No demon has been seen, smelled, felt or anything fucking else since my mother was killed. It's been years since.

I was just a little kid when everything happened here. When everything happened to me. If demons were sensed then my father would have been made aware.

He vowed he would gut every single one of them in honor of my mother's memory.

I didn’t notice my anger build so quickly. I feel like I only blinked when I noticed I made my way to the poor guy and had him pinned in my grip.

“Are you really stupid enough to spread such obvious rumors? Those things killed my mother… YOUR Luna. It’s not something you spread without proof!” I have the warrior in my grip, his shirt twisted around my fist with him jerked forward with my face in his.

I see the absolute fear in his eyes now. Like a prey about to be killed.


“-it’s punishable by execution. One I would be more than happy to help with.” I say.

My body shifts slightly to show my wolf and I are one in this.

Dropping him, I regained my composure and got back in the center of the ring.

“Lilly! Zee! Let's see who wins next. You two are both up,” Beta Zade Sr announced.

Fucking finally! Bring it. I need a release.

Thank you, dear Moon Goddess. I accept your blessings on this day.

Oh, Zee, I have a fist made perfect just for you.

I will make him rethink what he says to me next time.

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