Alpha's Bargain - Book cover

Alpha's Bargain

Rida Naveen

Chapter 3: Coward


He was hands down the most attractive male I had ever laid my eyes on. He towered over me.

His aura marked him as someone of power; it compelled people to stop and stare at him. I couldn’t blame them though because that was exactly what I was doing.

Mr. Dark-and-Brooding’s curly raven hair looked like it was originally gelled to the side, but it now ran in many directions. I felt myself flush again as I realized that it was my doing.

This behavior was so unlike me; this man was affecting me in a bizarre way, and I didn’t know what to do about it. My eyes flitted over his perfect facial features.

I wasn’t sure if the shots were doing this to my thoughts, but I swear he looked like an angel as the neon lights flashed over his chiseled face.

I finally brought my survey to an end with his eyes. His pupils were so dilated I couldn’t tell their color.

His sharp jawline clenched as I ran my hand down his thin button-down, opening the first few buttons to reveal a well-muscled and tan chest that confirmed my suspicions that he spent a generous amount of time in the gym.

My heart jumped a beat as he pulled me flush against his body and continued to assault my neck with hot kisses. Suddenly, he stopped, just to bring his warm breath and soft lips to my ear.

I could feel people stopping their dancing when they realized who I was.

“Like what you see?”

His voice was low, husky, causing a wave of heat to hit my body and pool in between my legs. And yes, I found it pathetic how only his voice got me clenching my thighs together.

I persuaded myself that what I’d do next was to disobey my father, but I knew better. I roughly grabbed his collar. His eyes slightly widened as he predicted my next move.

I smashed my lips against his and he instantly responded, slightly nudging my mouth open with his tongue. I gladly let him in. His mouth was so soft—as soft as I imagined it would be a few minutes ago.

He grasped my waist tightly and tilted his head to get a deeper grip on my lips. Involuntarily, a moan slipped out of me, and I felt him smiling against my lips, proving that he’d heard me.

I heard hushed whispers around me and knew that Father would be informed about my behaviors soon. Then all of a sudden, a drunken voice rang out in the air.

“Hey, that’s the alpha’s daughter kissing—” The rest of his statement was muffled.

Abruptly, he pulled back. I saw something flash in his eyes and suddenly he was gone, leaving me very lonely and confused. A circle had formed around me.

Before anything else happened, Rin grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the crowd. The cool breeze blew against my skin.

I searched the parking lot for the guy who’d left me all hot and bothered. My thoughts were all over the place. What the hell had just happened?

Did he run away from me because I was the alpha’s daughter? Shouldn’t he have done the absolute opposite if he wanted more power? Rin’s voice cut off my thoughts.

“What just happened and where did that hottie go that you were kissing?” she questioned, just as confused as me.

Feeling defeated, I shrugged my shoulders. I had no answers for her. All I had were my own rapidly increasing number of questions.

She let it go and called her mom to pick us up—we both knew we were too drunk to drive.

The next hour went by in a blur as I cleaned myself up at Rin’s house, changing into a pair of fuzzy pajamas I kept at her house.

Rin’s mom dropped me off, making sure I was stable enough to walk in without doing any damage to myself.

Stepping inside, I ignored Father’s instant bellowing lecture. I trudged up the stairs and fell into bed.

The last thing I heard Father say before I fell into a deep sleep left my mind spinning.

“You’re leaving for the Blue Crescent Pack tomorrow as punishment for tonight’s behavior.”

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