A Reject She-Wolf  - Book cover

A Reject She-Wolf

Marie Hudson

Please, Not Now


I spend the first half of the school day avoiding him. Every time I spot him down a hallway, I grab her hand and pull her down another one, taking the long way around. She yanks her arm away from me with a forceful tug.

“You can’t dodge him all day. He’s on the hunt, sniffing out your scent. I’m surprised he didn’t find you last period when he passed our room four times,” she says, tugging on my arm and bringing me to a halt.

I release a long sigh. “I’m just not ready to confront him yet. I know he’s caught a whiff, but the body spray I used has helped a lot. Maybe it’ll mask the scent so I don’t have to face him yet.”

“Helped what?” Her voice echoes down the hallway we’re walking down. We turn around to see Macie approaching us, her perfect figure, long curly brown hair, and green eyes on full display.

“Nothing, Macie. She was talking about healing the bruises your pack gave her yesterday on your orders,” Myra retorts.

Macie laughs, her gaze fixed on me. “The poor reject can’t defend herself against a few Freshmen?”

Myra growls at her, forcing her to bow her head in submission to the Alpha blood coursing through her veins. “Not when it’s twenty against one, as they did.”

Macie lifts her head, an evil smirk playing on her lips. “I don’t understand why you hang out with this thing. I can’t smell her wolf. Is she one of us, or did her parents adopt a defective wanna-be wolf?”

Myra steps forward, causing Macie to back up. “Watch your mouth, whore. I don’t care if you’re my brother’s current plaything. You won’t stand here and insult my friend. Say another word about her, and I promise the consequences won’t be pleasant.”

Macie’s eyes widen. “I’m not his plaything; we’ll be married by this summer, making me the new Luna. You better watch how you talk to me.” She flips her hair as she speaks.

Myra chuckles. “You think my brother will choose you over me? I’m blood; you’re just a whore who spreads her legs for anyone who gives your pea-sized brain a bit of attention. My brother is still searching for his mate; when he finds her, you’ll be discarded like the trash you are.”

Macie shoots me a murderous glance before turning back to Myra. “You’re lucky he’s your brother. I can’t touch you because of your bloodline; you’re his sister. But your little friend isn’t immune to anything.”

Myra pulls back her fist, but I cover it with my hand. “Think about what you’re doing, please. Is she worth the wrath of your brother when he finds out?”

She looks down at me, towering over me by four inches. “Why do you want to protect the person who orchestrates all these attacks on you?”

I shake my head slowly. “I don’t think it’s worth the anger he’ll unleash on you. Please, let’s go so we don’t miss lunch.”

From down the hall, I hear his voice calling out to Macie. I turn around and start walking away quickly, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. As I round a corner, I break into a sprint, running as fast as my legs can carry me. Her voice echoes around the corner. “You can run, but there’s nowhere you can hide, reject.”

I don’t stop running until I reach the cafeteria. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes at her threat. I know there’s no escaping a school that’s set its sights on the target permanently painted on my back. I approach the counter and grab a tray, sliding it along the rails as I survey the vast selection of food on offer today.

This is the only time I get hot food that isn’t half rotten or what a poor person might get on a plate. I know my parents haven’t cooked me a meal in a long time, so I don’t expect any handouts.

My afternoon meal comes from school, while my evening meal comes from the packhouse with Myra. We always work on a project together since we share all our classes, or hang out in her spacious room.

It’s not nice to be jealous of a friend, but she has everything I lack: money, loving parents, and a space that would be just as nice if it were mine. Her room is more than twice the size of mine, and she changes the decor every year when she finds something new or appealing. She tries to give me her barely used items, but I always refuse, knowing my parents would just take them off my bed and replace them with the childish pattern they insist on.

“Addy?” A girl behind me snaps me out of my thoughts.

I turn around. “Yes?”

She points at the gap that’s formed between me and the student in front of me, who’s now about five feet away. “Sorry,” I whisper, shuffling forward to close the gap. Not everyone is mean to me, but they won’t befriend me either. Their parents have warned them against the reject. They might talk to me, but that’s as far as they’ll go. I look over the food options and ask for the steaming lasagna with a side salad. I push my tray to the end of the counter, where the lady behind it places a large piece of cake.

I look up at her. “I can’t afford this.”

She smiles and waves me on. “Myra has you on her account, and she’s told all the kitchen staff to give you extra food to help you put on some weight. You need to eat as much as we give you.”

I sigh and pick up the heavy tray, loaded with extra servings of everything, topped off with a hot piece of garlic bread fresh from the oven. I walk over to the doors and push the latch to open them, stepping out into the courtyard and scanning for our usual table.

I find the table and sit down, my back to the woods so I can make a quick getaway if anyone tries to attack me. As I start to eat, a red-headed boy sits across from me.

“Hey, Addy,” he says, scanning my arms before slowly looking up at me.

I swallow the bite in my mouth. “Hey, Ryan. Why are you out here and not with Drake?”

He looks around the courtyard slowly before his gaze returns to me. “Myra asked me to come out here while they talked for a bit. He’s trying to get something out of her, so I was dismissed to keep you company until they’re done. They should be here soon.”

My fork freezes mid-air, the bite on it trembling slightly. “Why is Drake coming out here? Your table is inside with everyone else.”

He shrugs. “I don’t question orders from the Alpha or his sister. Why? You’ve been around him for years, given how much time you two spend at the packhouse.”

I shove the bite in my mouth before it falls off. “I’m not used to him leaving his friends to come out here with me. Macie won’t be happy about him leaving her alone at lunch.”

He laughs. “That bitch can deal with it. He’s just using her to relieve his frustrations. She means nothing to him; you know that.”

I nod, tearing off a piece of bread. “She thinks differently. You heard what she said to me in the hallway about them getting married this summer.”

He throws his head back and howls with laughter, his body shaking. “She can think whatever she wants, Addy. He’s searching for his true mate; she’s just hoping he won’t find her. She’s scared that once he does, she won’t be able to use his name for protection anymore, and people might turn on her for all the mean things she’s done to them. I hope that day comes soon because she’s getting worse.”

I pull down the white long-sleeved shirt I’m wearing under my sleeveless dress, trying to cover the bruises. “I don’t think anyone would do that to her; the students are scared of her.”

He shakes his head, his perfect curls bouncing. “That’s only because of who she’s with right now. Once she can’t claim his protection anymore, it’ll be open season for anyone who wants to vent years of pent-up frustration they’ve suffered at her hands.”

“I don’t like seeing anyone get hurt like that,” I say, shoving a piece of lettuce in my mouth.

His eyes meet mine. “You, of all people, should be first in line. I’d hold her for you,” he says, a smile playing on his lips.

I shake my head. “I would never do that to her. Revenge isn’t in my nature.”

His grin fades as he seizes my wrist, pushing up the fabric to reveal the purple marks on my arm. “God, Addy. Myra mentioned they’d hurt you, but I didn’t realize it was this bad.”

I yank my arm back, my fingers curling around the sleeve that hides their handiwork. “It’s nothing I’m not accustomed to.”

His gaze hardens, filled with a lethal intent. “You need to find your mate soon. He’ll be able to protect you so that no one can ever harm you like this again.”

I offer him a small smile. “Maybe I’ll find him at the party tomorrow night. Myra’s taking me shopping after school and I’m spending the whole weekend with her.”

The doors swing open and two figures emerge, trays in hand. My eyes dart around the yard, searching for an escape route, but none present themselves. Drake’s eyes glint as they approach our table. Shit, I’m trapped. He’s going to catch my scent because I haven’t had a chance to reapply the spray that masks it. As I reach for my bag, Myra snatches it away, placing it on an empty chair.

His gaze meets mine, sending a jolt of sensation through my entire body. My wolf stirs within me, excited and restless. “Addy, we need to talk.”

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