The Blind Lycan King and His Queen - Book cover

The Blind Lycan King and His Queen

K.L. Harr

Chapter 2


I stare into my full-length mirror and sigh.

The dress is doing little to suck in my stomach. No matter how much I try, I am still the biggest she-wolf in my pack. I’m not obese or anything, I’m just…extra in size. The sad truth is that if I wasn’t the alpha’s daughter, no one in this pack would likely even talk to me.

I get my shape from my father. He’s a rounder guy but, in a male, extra weight is seen as intimidating. He may be thick, but he’s still strong, with deep, layered muscle beneath his bulk.

“You ready?” My father’s voice speaks into my mind.

I straighten out the long curtain of raven hair that flows down to the bottom of my spine and add a touch of mascara to the lashes that make a dark ledge over my green eyes. My two biggest assets—well, along with a fat ass and tits. Who doesn’t love those?

Who am I kidding? My hair and lashes are the only thing I have going for me.

“Yes,” I answer back before my father comes looking for me. ~“Do I have to come?” ~I ask for the millionth time.

“Yes, Liana, you know that unless you’re on death’s door, you are expected to attend. As are all the packs and their families.”

“If I’d known of that loophole…”

“Don’t! Now get a move on. We’ll be late.”

I roll my eyes at his barked order but do as he asks, making my way carefully down the stairs in my dangerously high heels. I always do as Father asks. Things are just easier that way.

My father stands at the bottom with Zeke by his side and I smile to myself like a schoolgirl. Zeke’s been coming around quite a bit recently. Ever since we hooked up on the last full moon, he’s been hanging around wherever I am. I know we’re not mates but I can’t deny it’s a nice feeling to have the extra attention. It’s not like I get a lot of it…

“You look beautiful,” my father says and I force a smile, feeling Zeke’s eyes lingering on my full, bulging chest. “Ready?”

I don’t answer, just walk past him and make for the limo.


Pulling up at the palace makes me queasy. So many people, and I hate crowds.

I recently came of age so now that I am eligible to be mated off, that is exactly what my father intends to do. He wants the strongest wolf who’ll have me. He says it in nicer words, but that’s basically the root of his point. And my father may seem kind and caring, but he always gets what he wants. You don’t get to be one of the most powerful alphas in the territory without a bit of ruthlessness.

These balls are the best places to meet the kind of male my father wants for me, and I already dread how many wolves I will be introduced to tonight.

“Let’s go, darling,” my father says with an outstretched hand to help me out of the limo. I take a deep breath and follow his lead into the palace.

We are immediately placed with our pack on one side of the room as we await the king’s arrival. Who’s late to their own ball?

“Have you met him before?” My friend Ariel approaches me, and I smile at her.

“Who?” I say with a roll of my eyes, but my smile is still in place.

“The king, obviously! I hear he’s gorgeous but completely out of reach.”

“Of course I haven’t. It’s my first year here.” My father attends meetings at the palace now and then with the king’s beta, but I have never been invited along.

“I wonder if I can capture his heart,” she says with a bat of her eyelashes, and I chuckle. Although, if anyone stands a chance, it’s Ariel. She has that slender and athletic frame that males just die for: taut stomach, long, slim arms and legs, and beautiful auburn hair that is naturally curly and full. She has the nicest face too, well defined but not harsh or hard in any way, and soft brown eyes. She is beautiful; not even I can deny that.

I stiffen as an arm curves around my waist from behind but relax a little when his sweet scent hits me, calming my nerves. I step back into Zeke’s hold.

“If anyone can, it’s you, Ariel,” I say while trying to ignore Zeke’s presence. She gives me a little shoulder nudge and fluffs up her hair as the doors open and the vast room falls silent.

“Oh Goddess…” Ariel mumbles from beside me as the biggest creature I’ve ever seen stalks in, dominating the room with his size.

He completely dwarfs even some of the biggest wolves I’ve seen.

His black, wavy hair is styled perfectly and his body is ridiculously broad, with impressive layers of muscle barely concealed by the tailored suit that clings to everything. For his size, he is surprisingly graceful, almost gliding around tables up to his throne.

“Wow…” Ariel almost drools, and I smile at her as she pushes her tits up higher to reveal more flesh. Shaking my head, I return my attention to the king.

His voice resounds over the packs with a deep vibration that goes straight to my core and makes me shiver.

“You okay?” Ariel questions, and I nod, even as Zeke’s hand grips me a little harder, having felt my reaction. She gives me a strange look. The air is way too hot and thick in here but all my hairs stand on end.


The dinner commences and the food is amazing. With so many eyes around, I am more careful than usual about what I eat. My father is not so self-conscious and stuffs himself completely.

Ariel spends most of the meal gazing up at the king and although he looks our way, his expression does not change at all when he makes eye contact with anyone. It is odd but perhaps to be expected, considering his status.

I have already been introduced to several “suitors” by my father. Yes, some are wildly attractive, but although they indulge my father’s efforts, I can see they have no interest. Indifference is skillfully buried behind the fake façade they all maintain, but nonetheless it is still there. The only reason anyone would want me is to become alpha. Kind of pathetic, really.

“Our turn.”

I look at my father and frown.


“We are to see the king. You need to be introduced. It’s protocol.”

“No I don’t!” I say, panicked, and look around the crowds for some kind of escape route. His brow furrows but I stand quickly before anyone can stop me and make a dash for the restrooms.

Safely inside, I relax back against the cold tile and breathe a sigh of relief. There is no way I am being trotted up there like a prize pig. No fucking way.

I glance at the mirrors and scrunch my face up at the reflection before looking away again.

The door opens, and I stiffen, then relax as Ariel comes in.

“Oh my Goddess!” she squeals, and I frown. “We need to go!”

“Why?” I heave a sigh at her wildly excited attitude.

“The king is having a lineup! All females,” she says, beaming, and my stomach roils.

“N-no,” I stutter, but Ariel cuts me off.

“Liana, we don’t have a choice. Come on!” she squeals, and my eyes roll as she prances out of the door.

I want to check my dress in the mirror, but I can’t bear to see myself again. I wouldn’t exactly be missed all that much if I ran right now…but I know Ariel’s right. There’s no real way out of this. My father will notice if I’m not there. He won’t tolerate me giving our pack a bad name by missing a mandatory lineup.

I wonder what the hell the lineup is for. Why does the king need to inspect all the single she-wolves at the ball?

There’s only one possible reason, really. The king wants to choose a bedmate for the night. I’ve heard the rumors about his endless appetite for she-wolves. He uses them and tosses them aside like discarded toys.

Thank the Goddess, I’m in no danger of being chosen.

With a sigh, I reach for the handle, but the door is quickly pushed inward, and I snap back as Zeke comes in and presses himself back against it. Reaching forward, he snatches my wrist and yanks me flush to his hard body as I gasp. Shoving a hand into my hair, he pulls my face to his and quickly possesses my mouth.

I forget myself for a moment and push back into it with a small whine. Zeke is not exactly the worst kisser and my wolf is close to the surface, crazy for more.

“You taste so fucking good,” he mumbles between breaths. Until he spoke, I was completely lost in my body’s needs, but somehow I snap back to reality and shove myself away.

“Zeke…stop,” I breathe out in a pant, and he groans in resignation. Quickly, I slide up to the mirror and check my makeup for smudges.

“You still look beautiful,” he whispers, and I grin to myself, knowing he can’t see me. At least one male appreciates me.

“I have to go,” I say, and his head dips in a nod as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.

“The king’s lineup,” he utters with distaste, and I sigh, walking back over to him and pressing my hand against his chest.

“You have nothing to worry about,” I say with a snort. “No king would want ~me~.”

He frowns, lifting his hands to cup my cheeks, and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Any man would be lucky to have you~…even~ a king,” he whispers, and there’s a hint of pain in his voice. Then he sighs deeply and releases me.

My stomach flutters, his words doing nothing to quell my anxiety.

Deep breaths, Liana. Everything will be fine.

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