Scarred Luna - Book cover

Scarred Luna

Ahanaa Rose

Chapter 2


My heart is pounding as I walk backward, trying to create some distance between us. But before I can make my escape, the crowd parts effortlessly, clearing a path for him to reach me.

My senses seem to heighten, and I can’t help but notice the enticing scent that surrounds him: a delectable blend of chocolate and vanilla; my absolute favorite.

His face brushes against the top of my head, his breath trailing down to the delicate curve of my neck.

No. I can’t be his mate, it’s impossible. I haven’t even had my first shift. And I’m yet to turn eighteen.

This is a mistake.

He turns me around, holding me tightly against his chest, my face pressed against him.

His hand gently lifts my chin, guiding my gaze to his enchanting green eyes. They contrast with his pale skin and white hair, intensifying the vibrant hue of his eyes.

He turns my face to get a better look at my scar, and a low growl escapes his lips. “Who did this to you?”

As he clutches me, the pressure grows, quickly becoming unbearable.

“I said, who did this to you?”

I grab his wrist. “You’re hurting me.”

“I can’t smell your wolf. Why can’t I smell your wolf?”

“I…I haven’t shifted yet.”

His eyes widen. “How old are you?”


In an instant, he lets go of me and pushes me away as if my touch has burned him, turns, and walks out of the tent, his men following closely behind.

There is an eerie silence left in his wake. The expressions around me are a mix of shock, disgust, and horror.

I’m almost grateful when the booming voice of Alpha Black breaks the silence.

When he is standing beside me, he says, “Please, everyone, let us get back to the festivities!”

The music begins to play, and the crowd starts to disperse.

Alpha Black turns his attention back to me. “Come, Kara.”

I follow him out of the tent, Beta Matthew behind us, and into the pack house, where he leads me into his office.

Alpha Black walks over to his desk and takes a seat behind it. “Kara, what just happened?”

I can’t help but look down at my feet, feeling a mix of nervousness and anxiety. My fingers start to twist and fidget as I struggle to process everything.

“I-I don’t know.”

He slams his hands down onto the desk. “What do you mean, you don’t know?! You pissed off the high alpha!”

Blinking back the tears, I sense a hint of fear in his eyes. “I think, well, I’m not sure, but I think he thinks I’m his mate.”

His eyes widen, then he starts laughing! It starts off slowly, but he’s soon throwing his head back and guffawing his heart out.

I hear Beta Matthew chuckling behind me, as well.

Alpha Black collapses and wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. “Why on earth would the high alpha think a seventeen-year-old girl is his mate?”

Before I can say anything, a mesmerizing voice responds, “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Alpha Black goes from being seated in his chair to standing up straight and stiff in a flash. “High Alpha!”

I feel a mix of emotions as I turn around and look at the man whom the Moon Goddess has deemed to be my mate.

What a joke! He is the most powerful among our people, while I am anything but.

And yet, it is still disheartening to witness him walk up to Alpha Black’s desk and take a seat, all while completely ignoring my presence.

“Alpha Black, would you mind explaining to me why on earth a scarred seventeen-year-old, who hasn’t even shifted, is destined to be the luna of every pack in North America?”

“I-I, um… It must be a mistake.”

The high alpha crosses his legs and starts tapping his fingers against the chair’s arm; his impatience is tangible. “Exactly, it’s a mistake.”

Although I’m not exactly the biggest fan of the Moon Goddess, my parents believed there is a reason for all her decisions, which would include everything from mates to their deaths.

Clearing my throat, I take a step forward, feeling a mix of determination and curiosity. “The Moon Goddess does not make mistakes.”

My alpha looks at me with an unblinking stare, and even the high alpha’s fingers stop their drumming.

My heart races as he starts walking around me. There is panic rising up through my chest.

What does he have in mind?

My breath catches when he firmly grabs hold of my wrists and slowly drags his hands—so much larger than mine—up my arms, bringing them to rest on my shoulders.

His touch sends shivers down my spine. His lips brush against my ear, and I feel his warm breath on my neck.

“Tell me, little one, why do you think that the Moon Goddess hasn’t made a mistake?

“Is it that you enjoy the idea of being mated to one of the most powerful men in the world? Do you think I’ll protect you from your bullies? Is that it?”

Bile rises in my throat. “No.”

“Well, if the Moon Goddess does not make mistakes, she certainly has a lovely sense of humor to pair me with the likes of you.”

He is right; I am pathetic and weak if my own wolf won’t show herself.

I hear another deep voice behind me, but I don’t dare turn to see who it is.

“Alpha, she may not be well suited to you, but you can’t reject her. It won’t look good for your pack and yourself.”

With the high alpha’s hand still on my shoulders, he says, “You’re right, Beta. I guess the Moon Goddess has decreed that my path will be a lonely one.”

As he moves away, a void engulfs me; I feel strangely hollow. It is soon followed by an overwhelming longing. I crave the touch of his hands once more.

But it seems he doesn’t feel the same, for he simply returns to his seat, leaving me with a whirlwind of emotions and a sense of yearning.

“I’ll be taking her with me. Now that everyone has witnessed that she is my mate, I have no choice.”

“Well, don’t you sound damn excited?”

I spin around to find my uncle standing in the doorway of the office, his expression one of annoyance.

“Alpha Kane,” Alpha Black shoots back, “this is a private meeting.”

Uncle Jacob shrugs his shoulders and strolls toward me to stand by my side. “This concerns my niece, so this meeting should involve me.”

Fury simmers in Alpha Black’s eyes. “I understand that, but you haven’t seen your niece for many years, so this sudden concern for her is quite interesting.”

I open my mouth to speak, but my uncle interrupts me by placing a firm hand on my shoulder.

“I believe we’ve already established why I have not been in contact, but I’m happy to go over it again in the presence of the high alpha. After all, your explanation was hardly satisfactory.”

I feel the tension in the air as my uncle and Alpha Black lock eyes, a silent battle of wills taking place in front of me.

“I’m bored.” The high alpha rises from his chair again. “Kane. I don’t care what your problem is with Black, but your niece is my mate, which means she’s my property.

“I suggest you step away from her before I have to rip out your throat.”

Fueled by a surge of anger, I take a defiant step forward, pressing my finger firmly against the high alpha’s chest.

“You don’t ever speak about me like that! Mate or not, I am no one’s property.

“I don’t give two flying fucks if you’re the high alpha or the Moon Goddess, but disrespecting me and those I care about will get you nowhere but a whole load of pain.”

My heart races as he arches an eyebrow, a wicked smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

In one swift motion, he grabs my hand, yanking it away, and twists my arm behind my back.

He leans his head down and whispers in my ear, “Never make the mistake of threatening me. Mate or not, I will kill you for such disobedience. Understood?”

I feel his hand tighten even more around my neck.


I gasp for air, struggling to utter a word. The grip around my throat leaves me breathless.

My voice catches in my throat, but I manage to whisper, “Yes.”

“Let her go!” There is rage in my uncle’s voice.

The high alpha lifts his head and looks at him. “You ask for death, Kane?”

“Let her go. Now.”

I glance up. That familiar smirk plays on the high alpha’s face as he looks down at me, his eyes locked with mine in an intense stare.

“You’re lucky I have more pressing things to worry about than an insubordinate alpha and a disobedient mate.”

Just as suddenly as he had me in his grasp, the high alpha releases me, leaving me stumbling forward into the comforting embrace of my uncle.

With his support, I regain my balance, and together, we turn our eyes on the high alpha.

His attention shifts, and he looks back over his shoulder to address Alpha Black. “Make sure she’s ready.”

My alpha lowers his head in submission. “Of course, High Alpha.”

Without looking at me, he stands up and turns to make his exit.

I whisper, “But what about the rest of the festivities?”

“There’s no point in staying. I have no intention of claiming a child.” He makes his way to the door, closing it as he exits.

I turn to my uncle, tears welling in my eyes.

It doesn’t go unnoticed by Alpha Black. “I know this is difficult, but consider yourself lucky. At least he is willing to keep you in his pack; you will be well protected there.”

My heart races as my uncle pushes me behind him protectively.

“Kara, go home. I’ll be there soon.”

I glance between my alpha and my uncle, sensing the unspoken anger that hangs heavy in the air between them.

But I know better than to get involved in their conflict. Besides, other things demand my attention now. I must prepare to leave.

Not only have I been rejected in the most humiliating way possible, but now I must also leave my home.

The high alpha is right: the Moon Goddess really does have a sick sense of humor. It’s not enough that the Moon Goddess should take away my parents, but my mate too.

And not just any mate.

The high alpha.

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